Volvo Service app

Helping Volvo technicians manage car service and customer satisfaction on the go.

Client: Volvo Car Sweden
Agency: BBH Stocholm
Role: Design Director, UX Director
Services: Native app, service design for enterprise
Year: 2021-2022

  • In an effort to reinvent mobile workflows for their Service Technicians, Volvo Car Sweden created the Service App. In collaboration with Apple, our design team and developers, this active project is still being refined and improved.

  • Centred around user research, existing technical architecture and mobile devices, the Service app is entirely based on the needs of Service Technicians. With this in mind, the design has been shaped around usability, quick adoption and frictionless handover. In collaboration with Apple, existing components and accessibility features have been essential to the business and user case of the app.

  • Volvo Service app is a success on the Swedish market, adopted by the majority of Volvo owned dealerships. It has led to higher customer satisfaction, reduced carbon footprints and reduced desk time for the technicians.

    Read more about the story on Apple at Work:


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